Imho skupmy sie poki co na pierwszych 2 skrzydlach Naxxa 10 man, zlapmy troche gearu, nauczmy sie "byc na raidzie", zobaczmy czego nam brakuje, co koniecznie nalezy polepszyc. Oprocz opisow ponizej, polecam HowTo filmiki na youtube dotyczace walk z poszczegolnymi bossami.
Taktyki cz. 1 - zrodlo … trategies/
Abomination Wing
Patchwerk - od niego powinnismy zaczac, taki ladny gearcheck, tu przekonamy sie czego nam brakuje jesli chodzi o gear (czy slaby heal i za szybko wychodzi z many, czy tank za slabe ma staty i szybko pada bo najzwyczajniej w swiecie nie da sie go wyleczyc, czy dps za maly i boss wchodzi w enrage). Jak zrobimy grubasa, to znaczy ze mamy sprzet wystarczajacy na wyczyszczenie calego Naxxa 10 man imho. Potem tylko dopracowac taktyki i zgranie z reszta raidu na pozostale encountery.
Patchwerk is the first boss of the Abomination Wing, also known as the Construct Wing, and is one of the most challenging bosses to initially learn in Naxxramas.
Patchwerk Stats and Mechanics Health: 4,300,000 Melee hits: Aprx: 4-5k Mechanics: This is a non-aggro fight, once the initial tank and off tank have aggro the DPS are free to put as much DPS out as Patchwerk will continue his hateful strike rotation until he’s dead or a dies. If a tank dies he will then hateful strike the next highest HP target within melee range (not the main tank though) Patchwerk Abilities Hateful Strike – Patchwerk will use this ability every 2.8 seconds on the melee target with the most health. It does 19975-27025 physical damage and can be mitigated or avoided. Frenzy – At 5% HP Patchwerk goes into frenzy, doing 25% more damage and attacking 40% faster. Berserk – After 5 minutes Patchwerk goes into Berserk mode, increasing his damage output by 1000%. In reality, this is a very simple fight…at least mechanics wise. There are two difficult aspects of this fight. Number one, learning how to properly time and space your healers in such a way that your tanks are always going to be topped off before the next hateful strike lands. And secondly, doing enough damage that you kill him before the 5 minute berserk.
Maximizing Your DPS
Your DPS absolutely has to be on their A game here. Unlike most fights, additional aggro is dumped onto both tanks upon engaging, so once you have a rotation of tank and off tank receiving damage and hateful strikes you should not have to hold back at all.
Start fast with a blood lust / heroism if you have a shaman and immediately start pouring on the DPS. All DPS should use a potion to further increase their DPS (mana pot if you’re running low on mana for casters). Ideally, you’d want to have the entire raid flasked up. Granted, this may be unnecessary, but some guilds that just need that extra bump will find this appropriate.
A good benchmark for DPS in a early level 80 gear should be around 2000 DPS, while many classes should exceed this number.
Healing Rotations
There’s no right or wrong way to effectively heal on Patchwerk, but here’s how we did it and the method I suggest you try. First, we use a tri-healer setup of double restoration shaman and restoration druid.
Generally, the tank who is receiving hateful strikes takes more damage. For this reason the hateful strike tank healer may be running out of mana. This happened with my group initially and as a result we conducted a mid-fight healing switch. For this switch each of the shamans simply traded healing targets, so the shaman who had been healing the hateful strike tank could get a break on mana.
Since the damage is very periodic (…very small periods though), you can really time your heals for maximium effectiveness. I constantly started and stopped my healing waves throughout the fight waiting for my tank to drop to around 20,000 health (of his 27,500) before letting a healing wave go off. Using this method my mana held up throughout the fight and we were able to successfully make it through after a few practice attempts.
Grobbulus is the second boss of the Abomination Wing in Naxxramas and is truly one of WoW’s most unique encounters.
Grobbulus Abilities 2,900,000 HP Poison Cloud – Every 15 seconds Grobbulus drops a poison cloud. This cloud starts at around 3 yards and spreads to around 30, dealing 2000 DPS to anyone within the cloud. Slime Spray – Deals aprx. 7000 damage in a frontal cone. For each person hit by this slime a fallout slime will be created. Fallout Slime – Slime add spawned by Slime Spray. Has aprx. 75,000 HP, should be picked up by off tank and killed immediately by melee DPS. Mutilating Injection – This poison has a 10 second timer, at the end of the timer an initial 8,000-9000 damage nature damage explosion will be dealt in a 10 yard AoE followed by the creation of a poison cloud. These clouds start at around 3 yards and spread to around 30 and deal 2,000 poison damage to anyone standing within the cloud. Grobbulus will cast mutilating injection every 15-20 seconds. Berserk - Grobbulus will berserker enrage after the 6 minute mark, increasing his damage output by 1000%. Grobbulus Boss Strategy The entire Grobbulus strategy revolves around the mutilating injection ability. As Grobbulus loses more and more health he will use this ability more often, in order to effectively defeat this boss each person in the raid will need to be aware of this poison, when they get it, and the position they should take to deal with.
…what’s all that mean?
When you get the poison, you need to get as far away from the raid as possible. When you initially drop the cloud it’s no big deal, but as it spreads out there will be less room for you and your raid to work with, causing other players to possibly take damage from the slime cloud.
Dealing with Fallout Slime
Let’s start with the fallout slims. First, these globs are not difficult to kill and do not have much damage, but they will need your attention or they will become an issue if you get several up. It’s recommended that you put your off tank and 2 DPS on these globs. They die fairly quickly and shouldn’t detract too much from your overall DPS output.
Tanking Grobbulus
Tanking is also fairly straight forward. The big thing will be movement and positioning (discussed below). You must always keep Grobbulus facing away from the raid, if several people in the raid get slimed…
someone / some people will probably die you’re going to have more fallout slime than you can deal with Additionally…and more importantly, as the fight wears on Grobbulus is going to continue to drop poison clouds on top of the melee DPS. You will need to continually pull Grobbulus away from these poison clouds so your melee DPS can continue attacking. Take a look at the diagram below to see a tank position rotation my guild uses.
Healing Roles
Healing is also very simple. Grobbulus does not hit very hard at all, as I mentioned before this fight is all out the mutilating injection. So just make sure you heal up the person who got injected after they blow up and keep an eye on your tanks.
Dispeling Note: DO NOT DISPEL THE MUTILATE INJECTION. If you dispel the poison it will immediately drop where you dispelled it and AoE everyone around it. This WILL screw up your cloud position and cause many problems for you.
Gluth is the 3rd boss of the Abomination Wing in Naxxramas. This plague-dog is by no means a push over, and should offer you and your companions a challenging and exciting boss encounter.
Gluth Abilites 3,200,000 health points Melee hits on plate targets, 3000-4000 damage Mortal Wound – Does 150% weapon damage and reduces healing received by 10% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. Enrage - Gives Gluth +100% attack haste for 8 seconds. Terrifying Roar – Gluth casts fear on all targets with 20 yards, lasts 5 seconds. Devour Zombie – Gluth eats a nearby zombie (all those within aprx. 5 yards), gaining 5% of his maximum HP. Decimate – Reduces both player and zombie health to 5% of its maximum value and causes all zombies to walk towards Gluth so that they may be consumed. Zombie Abilities
Infected Wound – Increases damage taken by 1,000. Applied every time a zombie hits you once, stacks infinitely. 500,000 Health. Zombies must be kited. Gluth Boss Strategy Gluth is a fairly simple fight that can become exponentially harder due to the various “panic mode” aspects of the fight (which we’ll discuss below). There are many elements in this fight, so let’s just start with the first one, the entry.
How to Start Gluth
You start Gluth by simply running down the tunnel. Note the gap on the left side of the tunnel, make sure you run down the right side so you don’t fall in. The tank should lead your charge and immediately aggro Gluth. Upon aggro your tank should take Gluth all the way to the back of the room, make sure you’re facing him the entire time and slowly back him up to the wall.
Understanding the Zombie Mechanic
This entire encounter revolves around managing the zombies, but first you must understand how they work. Zombies will spawn on both of the grates towards the front of the room. These zombies need to be picked up by a kiter (which we’ll discuss in a moment) and kept towards the back of the room.
We keep the zombies in the back of the room due to decimate. When Gluth casts this spell all the zombies are going to move towards him and he’ll consume any that get close and regain health. After the decimate goes off all your DPS must move off gluth and kill the zombies. The zombies only have 20,000 HP after they take the decimate damage, so you can kill them quickly.
Thaddius is the 4th and final boss of the abomination wing in Naxxramas. This encounter is without a doubt one of my favorites. It’s a very unique encounter which provides a formidable challenge for any aspiring guild.
Thaddius Boss Strategy Feugen’s Abilities
Static Field – Inflicts 2.5k nature damage every 3 seconds to everyone within a 60 yard range. Magnetic Pull - Pulls the Stalagg tank over to Feugen’s platform and swaps aggro between tanks. Stalagg’s Abilities
Power Surge – Increases haste by 200% for 10 seconds. Magnetic Pull – Pulls the Feugen tank over to Stalagg’s platform and swaps aggro between tanks. Phase 1 – Feugen and Stalagg
Phase 1 includes the killing of the 2 adds, Feugen and Stalagg. Neither of the adds hit all the hard, the only quarky mechanic of this portion of the fight is the tank “swap”, for lack of a better word. You’ll want to start by splitting your raid into 2 groups of 5. Generally, you should put casters in a group for Stalagg and melee in a group for Fuegen, this is simply so they avoid pushback via the static field ability that Fuegen casts.
That said, this is optional and casters or melee could kill either boss with ease. Either way, you’ll want your DPS to be fairly balanced. You must kill both Fuegen and Stalagg within 5 seconds of each other or they will be resurrect at full life.
When I mentioned the “swap” earlier, I was referring to the literally swapping of tanks. Both Fuegen and Stalagg cast the ability, magnetic pull, which will pull the other tank through the air to the opposite add platform. This pull also swaps aggro. Tank wise it’s no big deal, just continue building threat on what ever add you’re currently in front of. Just make sure your healers of aware what tank is currently on what platform.
Phase 1 Complete, Jump, and Position
Once you’ve killed Fuegen and Stalagg the entire raid must jump off to the platform below where Thaddius is standing. Note, you cannot just walk off the elevated platforms, you must jump right at the edge in order to make it to the lower platform.
At this point the entire raid should stack up on on the right side of Thaddius (right side as if you were entering from the Gluth’s room). Now we are prepared to enter phase 2 as Thaddius is about to awaken.
Thaddius Abilities Chain Lightning – Casts every 15 seconds, hits 3 random players for 3600-4400 damage. Polarity Shift – Aprx. half the raid will become negatively charged and half the raid will become positively charge. When the same charged players are near each other they provide a 10% damage buff per player, but if an opposite charged player is near the debuff will deal 3,500 damage to the player of the oppositve charge (IE…1 negative in 5 positives, 5 positives will hit negative for 3500 * 5, while the negative will hit each of the 5 positive players once for 3,500 damage). Casts every 30 seconds. Ball Lightning – Thaddius will cast a ball lightning for 17,000-22,000 if no one is within melee range. Enrage - Thaddius will enrage after 8 minutes, increasing his damage output by 1000%. Phase 2 – Killing Thaddius and Positive / Negative Debuff Mechanic
A few seconds after you begin Thaddius will cast a positive or negative debuff charge on the entire raid. This debuff is 100% random, but 5 people will have a negative charge and 5 will have a positive. This debuff mechanic works just like the first boss in Mechanar heroic. All the positive charges should stay where they are on the right side of Thaddius, while all negative charges should move to the other side (left).
At this point you should have all 5 positive charged players on one side and all 5 negative charged players on the other. This will award you with a strong damage buff that increases your damage by 10% per player (40% total). If a player has the wrong charge they will “blow up”, causing and receiving lightning damage from the opposite charged players around him. This almost always leads to their death.
For this reason it’s incredibly important you look to see what buff you have immediatly following the polarity shifts. New players might consider having their raid leader or otherwise vocal strategy orriented players calling out the switches immediatly prior to their casting.
Taktyki cz. 2
Spider Wing
Anub’Rekhan is the 1st boss of the spider wing located in Naxxramas. In my opinion this is one the easiest fights in Naxxramas, which makes the spider wing a greater location for new guilds to start their Naxxramas learning curve.
Anub’Rekhan Abilities 2,200,000 Health Impale – Impales a random player in the raid, which sends all players in a small AoE line around that player flying up. Deal 4800-6200 damage and drops you from a height which will deal 50% fall damage. Locust Swarm – Casts every 1-2 minutes. Anub’Rekhan casts locust swarm that deals AoE damage around his model. Those caught in the radius will have a DoT applied that deals 875-1125 nature damage every 2 seconds and silences. The locust swarm also reduces his movement ability to 75%. During the locust swarm an elite crypt guardian will also spawn. Locus swarm lasts 16 seconds. Summon Corspe Scarab - Anub’Rekhan can summon scarabs from any corspe, both player and crypt guardian . This is random, he won’t always spawn scarabs, but can. Fight Breakdown
I go into greater depth of each individual class types role below, but here’s a quick breakdown of each sequential step.
Main tank leads charge and takes Anub’Rekhan to the back of the room. DPS and Healers take up positions as indicated on map below. Be prepared for impale as they may occur at any moment (though never during locust swarm) Locust swarm starts, tank must kite around the perimeter of the room and take Anub’Rekhan to the other side. As soon as the locust swarm starts a crypt guardian (elite spider) will spawn and needs to be picked up by your off tank. These should be immediately killed by your DPS. After locust swarm stops and the crypt guardian is dead you can resume DPS on Anub’Rekhan. At this point be prepared for impale again and a new abililty, summon corspe scarab. Since a crypt guardian body is now on the floor Anub’Rekhan may choose to summon scarabs from the body. Continue DPS until dead. You may have to complete another locust swarm rotation back to the top of the map if your DPS is not sufficient.
Grand Widow Faerlina
Grand Widow Faerlina is the 2nd boss of the spider wing in Naxxramas. This encounter features 4 adds in addition to the primary boss, Faerlina. For this reason you’ll definitely need both a strong main and off-tank.
Grand Widow Faerlina Abilities Poison Bolt Volley – Hits the closest 5 players with a poison that deals 2625-3375 damage and applies a Dot that deals 1480-1720 nature damage every 2 seconds, lasts 8 seconds. This poison is dispellabe. Rain of fire – Casts rain of fire on a random location in the room that deals 2775-3225 fire damage every 2 seconds. Frenzy – Used every 60-80 seconds. Increases melee damage by 150%, haste by 50%, and size by 50%. To stop the frenzy you must kill a worshiper add. Worshiper Notes
4 Worshipper adds These must be off tanked Killing a worshiper add will cast widow’s embrace on Faerlina. This will remove her enrage if she is enraged and silence casts / delay the next enrage for 30 seconds. Grand Widow Faerlina Boss Strategy There are 3 fairly basic boss elements in this encounter that we’re going to have to deal with.
First, the poison bolt volly. As I mentioned above the poison bolt will hit the closest 5 players within range. You’ll want to make sure your poison dispelers in the raid are aware of this and quickly get the DoT removed.
Secondly, we have the rain of the fire. Nothing too suprising here…don’t stand in the rain of fire / if you’re in the rain of fire move out. The rains are random, so just be on the lookout of the fire and adjust to it’s position.
Tanking Faerlina & Worshipers
You’ll want to have your main tank on faerlina and your off tank holding aggro on all 4 of the adds. Neither Faerlina or her adds hit all that hard, until the frenzy goes off. If you want to be really careful you’ll need to do the following.
Get one worshiper fairly low, under 10% As soon as Faerlina enrages be ready to finish it off so you remove the enrage Following the first enrage get another worshoper low so you may repeat this step for the next enrage Groups with geared tanks or healers won’t have to be this precise. You could even try for the achievement on Faerlina, which requires you not kill any of the worshiper adds. If you can handle zero adds down then go for it, otherwise simply kill a worshoper each time you need to remove / prevent an enrage.
Position Side Note
Unlike most encounters in Naxx position isn’t a huge issue on this fight. Just spread out around the room so no more than one person gets nailed by a rain of fire. Tank Faerlina towards the middle of the room and off tank the adds up on the stage / platform area.
Maexxna is the 3rd and final boss of the spider wing in Naxxramas. This spider queen is a very exciting encounter for all class roles and “tosses” players into positions they haven’t ever encountered in World of Warcraft before.
Maexxna Abiilties 2,500,000 hit points Web Wrap – The first cast goes off 20 seconds after engaging and each subsequent web wraps occur every 40 seconds. This will send a player flying back to the wall, encasing them in a web that deals 2475-3025 nature damage every 2 seconds. The web encasement must be destroyed by other players to free the trapped victim. Web Spray – Casts every 40 seconds stunning the entire raid and dealing 1750-2250 damage. This effect lasts for 6 seconds. Poison shock – Deals 3500-4500 damage in a frontal cone. Necrotic Poison – Reduces healing taken by 75% for 30 seconds. Can be dispelled. Frenzy - Increases physical damage by 100%, haste by 50%, and size by 15%. Occurs at 30% health. Maexxna Spiderlings – 8 small spiders are spawned 30 seconds are the fight begins and each subsequent spawning occurs every 40 seconds after that. These spiderlings are a good marker for the web spray, which occurs aprx. 10 seconds after the spiders are spawned. Maexxna Boss Strategy As you probably already gathered from the sheer number of abilities that Mexxna has in this fight…there’s a lot going on. For this reason this is sometimes a difficult fight to learn, but once you’ve got the basics down it’s a fight you should be able to 1 or 2 shot every time.
Pulling Maexxna and Tanking Maexxna
To pull Maexxna the tank will simply want to run all the way through her model and tank her towards the middle of the room. Make sure she is facing away from the raid to avoid poison shock on the entire raid. Once she is securely being tanked in the middle DPS may engage.
Healing Maexxna, Web Spray, and Web Wrap
As a healer there is going to be a lot of things going on for you. Let’s just go through each one by one so you know what you should always be looking for during each stage of Maexxna.
Tank Healing – Healing the tank is pretty standard. Maexxna hits quite hard, so you’ll need to be on your A game. Always be on the lookout for Necrotic Poison and immediately dispel this in the event it’s applied to your tank. Web Wrap – Every 40 seconds you’re going to have to heal the web wrap victim. Generally this only requires a single lesser heal (…or flash of light, flash heal, etc). Have your raid calling out on vent if they get tossed onto the wall so you know who you should be healing and your DPS know who they should be shooting down off the wall. Web Srapy – This is by far the most difficult aspect of the fight. During web spray you obviously can’t cast heals, so you need to do everything you can to make sure that the tank has been pre-cleansed of necrotic poison and is topped off before the web spray goes off. Additionally, if you’ve got any HoTs or other over time heals you can cast use them (HoTs, Earth Shield, shield, etc.). Spiderlings - The spiderlings don’t do a whole lot of damage, but considering the numbers that are spawned you may need to cast a few AoE heals to get caught up on the raid before the web spray goes off. Tank / Timing Interlude for Healers Benefit
There is one additional tanking aspect you should be aware of. The frenzy at 30% can be pretty brutal, so if at all possible you’ll want to wait till after the web spray ends before bringing Maexxna into frenzy phase. As soon as frenzy begins just burn her down.
If your DPS is strong enough you should be able to kill her now, if not the tank should be ready to pop cooldowns to keep himself alive (last stand, shield wall, etc.) during the web spray if he gets low.
Pointers for DPS
DPS have a pretty easy time in this fight, the only major thing you need to worry about is the web wrap. Should this ever be cast on you you’ll want to let your raid know. This will enable healers to have you pre-targeted and start getting you topped off and also let your DPS on the wall duty know so they can shoot you down.
You’ll want to assign at least 2 players on “wall duty”, generally these should be ranged players so they don’t have to go as far. You need 2 players watching the wall in the event that one of the wall watchers gets tossed up himself.
The web encasements on the wall only have 6,000 HP, so they will die very quickly.
There isn’t much beyond that, simply keep your DPS up on the boss, stay away from Maexxna’s frontal cone attack, and help burn the spiderlings down as soon as they spawn.
If you can get through all of these steps you’ll be well on your way to a clean Maexxna kill.